How to weave in your yarn ends

How to weave in your yarn ends

Even the very simplest knitting or crochet project will have a start and a finish so that creates two yarn ends that need to be dealt with. Projects with stripes or projects using motifs can have literally hundreds of ends that need to be hidden away.

A well finished project with neatly woven in ends looks a million times better than one with dangling ends poking through. 

Luckily, its a pretty simple task. All you need is a needle with a large enough eye for the yarn (called a tapestry needle) and a pair of small scissors to trim with.

If you have lots of ends, I highly recommend grabbing a cuppa and putting a good movie or podcast on to keep you entertained while you tackle them.

So here is how you do it.

How to:

1/Thread your yarn onto the needle and, on the wrong side of the work, push the needle through the top strands of several stitches. I always try and do this in an area where the colour is the same so that it will show less on the right side.


thread end onto needle

2/Pull the yarn through those stitches so that the yarn strand and the work lay flat.

3/ Bring the yarn strand back through several stitches in the opposite direction. This makes for a secure weave as going in two directions should stop it pulling out over time. If your yarn is very sticky, and by that I mean it wants to grab to itself and pulling out stitches is very difficult you can skip this step. If its a very slippery yarn you might want to repeat this step going back the opposite way again.

4. To cut the tail, pull slightly on it and snip it close to the stitches
(being careful not to actually cut the stitches) and the tail should
pull back and be hidden under the stitches when it relaxes back.

I absolutely love these needles for weaving in ends because you don't have to thread them.

This tutorial is based on the tutorial from The Learn to Crochet Project Book


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